0.2 nmapsi4 we're almost there:)
after many changes, we are on the threshold of releasing the first beta of 0.2 nmapsi4, the changes are many, both from an aesthetic point of view than from a strictly technical point of view ...
nmapsi4 provides the present state of made a port scan a host, perform a DNS lookup and traceroute of hops needed to reach the target destination, and easily, find the vulnerabilities of its services ....
nmapsi4 BETAx 0.2 is considered relatively stable and thus easily able to replace the stable version 0.1.1 finally surpassed.
A special thanks to all those that revolve around the project, reporting bugs, testing, and of course the translation maintainer that enable their work nmapsi4 to be installed quickly on the major GNU / Linux and FreeBSD;)