Friday, December 26, 2008

What Are Ath Levels In Dogs?

scan in batch mode .... just:)

after a short break, and after a first Abruzzo ' influence that has destroyed me, I have completely rewritten the code that makes the call to nmap in nmapsi4.
This means that the model (far future) 0.2.x, but already working in svn, the scans will be fully multi-threaded, or you can launch multiple scans (the exact number depends on the number of processors etc etc) without having to wait until the first end, and controlled by a monitor (which also exists in svn if still in a very primitive) their status.

I will give you more info as soon as possible maybe with some snapshot;)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

When Can I Take A Bath After Hysterectomy

Abruzzo arrival!!

Hello guys,

are leaving for a three days of rest, with some friends a little bit to recover from the stress accumulated in the session exemptions .... so before Monday's practice will not see a PC and I can not respond to any communication service:)

In the week following my return will release version 0.1.1 of nmapsi4 that will contain some improvements and minor bug fixes pending the completion of development of version 0.2, which causes great changes, still needs a lot work, but clearly pre-compiled from svn: D

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pinnaclepctv 150e Vista

and jaunty universe came nmapsi4 .....

After debian nmapsi4 enter into Ubuntu / jaunty

page of the package in ubuntu

Iuculano thank you to Joseph and the Ubuntu team:)