16th Leg Orthes - Gourette - Col d'Aubisque Km 218.5 on Tuesday 'July 24
dedicated to his friend Mauro Marchi CALLED GIGIO RUBIERA "A PASSION FOR CYCLING CLEAN AND SPAIN, MY COMPANION TRAINING, who tragically died in May this year:
Dear "Gigio Rubiera" you'd be proud to know myself on the roads of the Tour and especially today where your loved one crosses over into Spain. You are no longer 'behind me on the bike to "suck wheel" as you used to do' cause the pace was sustained, but you take 'always with me on the bike, on my right shoulder as a tireless traveling companion, like an angel guardian. You'll see that you will like 'today toddle in Navarra and enjoy once more the flavors of the country that you have always loved and visited.
from 56 m to Orthes begins to rise, and gently and in a sudden and violent because of the short but steep climb towards the first of the five peaks conclude that the crossing of the Pyrenees and the last true rock impressive arrival on the Champs-Elysees. At the 58 km mark you start to seriously up to the summit dl Port de Larrau m. 1573 (Hors Category climb, 1.7 km to 8.1% on average). With the track wet it down with a strong but cautious after the brow to start immediately up to the top Aza m.1.129 (up to Category 3 rd, km 3.5 to 6.8% on average) than a joke the previous year and what will be waiting 'for them to not much. A fall morning followed by overcast skies with us all morning, making the climbs fresh and softer. The landscape and Pyrenees', at this juncture, particularly beautiful and impressive, for a few moments like also to our great Dolomites. Do not go down very pious before starting the third effort of the day that brings us to 1760 m. Col Pierre St-Martin (breathes 1st category, Km 14.2 to 5.25 average). After the brow you enter English territory, in Navarra, where the Basque language (according to writing on road signs), is beyond comprehension as well as unspeakable. Dear Mauro, certainly up there you'll be doing this for a giggle. A long and "gorgeous" pays down the sweat and hard work done. The wind is beginning to blow violently in the opposite direction, but despite all the physical condition can withstand even a decent effort, while the mind tries to focus attention only on the beautiful things around me: the variety 'of the trees, the smell of wood and the delicious smells coming from homes that occasionally exceeded. The climbs the Pyrenees "trick again," what on paper is presented as a slope of 1 ° category (certainly not easy, but less than the Hors Categorie), will prove 'but a real ordeal. The ascent to the Col de Marie-Blanque m. 1,035 (Km 9.3 to 7.4% on average), I will do 'seek further help his friend disappeared. After the first 3 km to 3 to 4% of kilometers in the first mile, the slope goes to 10% on average, then to 12% on average until the last 2 km to 13% on average, with peaks exceeding the then 15 -16%. All sides Road Campers and tents of the fans who wait for the day following the passage of the "real cyclists" distracted for a split second the sense of impotence at some point you feel when you try to climb. Finally we come over. In the following descent I think I've lost count of sandwiches eaten, to try to thank my body before asking a further effort, the last of its kind. As always, you pedi last major climb, the stage that precedes the arrival of the French Gendarmerie is blocking traffic, and our service vehicles can pass only for the fact that, contrary to what happens in Italy ( but here goes ?.....), people know L'Autre Tour, thanks services have aired by the most 'important television stations in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany, failed because' to be proceeding smoothly. The arrival and 'place at the 1,709 m. Col d'Aubisque (Hors Category climb, Km 16.6 to 7% on average), that even after getting more 'than 200 km from the start and being infinitely long, we can do fairly easily thanks to the slopes at the end that only become binding. We arrive at the top (also lined with people and vehicles), immersed in fog, after 9 am and 12 'bicycle, at an average of 23.7 kph after passing 4,594 m. the difference in height and 3,132 m of descent. Vel.Max. 81.4, 132 BPM average heart rate, calories burned: 9,115.
"Gigio Rubiera" we did this time too, thanks.
values \u200b\u200brecorded on the day following the Stage:
Weight, 75.8, hemoglobin 13.2, hematocrit 37
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