Thursday, July 19 → 12 stages MONTPELLIER CASTRES (178.5 km)
path today will present 'at the end, beautiful natural landscapes. We leave the coast of France and Montpellier to Castres to reach the foot of the Pyrenees. A continuous succession of gentle (or not), sliding bar, resembling the slopes of Tuscan Apennines / Emiliani us predict what will be far from the hardest part of this "our" L'Autre Tour: the long and steep climbs of the Pyrenees, the Canena range which separates France from the Iberian Peninsula. Fortunately, after two days incandescent cloud cover friends from time to time, the intense sun that warms the region beyond measure. The Tour when it comes to these parts always reaps illustrious victims due to the high temperatures that will meet through. The pseudo mountain villages that meet there are preceded and followed by long avenues of plane trees (a very prosperous time also from my part, but decimated by road accidents and the infamous American caterpillar), precious and pleasing to the eye to lower body temperature and cool the members of these two poor "cyclists."
3 climbs '4 ° Category 1 and Category 2 ° slope (de la Monte Jeante m.958, Km 10.4 to 6.1% on average), for a total of 178.5 km of uphill climb in 5h 54 'average of 30.2 km Total altitude: 1,988 m, Descending: 1,726 m, calories consumed: 6364, average heart rate 121 BPM.
data recorded on the day following the Stage:
Weight: 76.2, hemoglobin: 12.8, hematocrit: 36.5.
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